Wednesday 11 July 2012


 Tomato-bread salad for dinner tonight. Yumz~

Hmm.. I'm currently in love with songs that remind me of summer. I mean yes, Singapore is like summer all year round sort of. But you know, just some nice songs which I can relate to summer. Song like... We Are The People by Empire of The Sun! And and awesome French song titled Soleil D'aout by Dan Kamit, which means Sun of August (by google translate haha).

Listen to them, they sound like summer really. Me... In a car, driving pass highways under the blue skies. Then the sound system of my car blasting with these songs. And the wind would blow onto my face, refreshing and strong. Like a nice beautiful day. Uhh yeah. I wish I can do all these. But reality is no haha. Not only I don't have a license but I don't have a top-less car! -_-

But nothing beats the escapism of the mind right~

Anyway hello, finally I'm blogging now when I've been telling myself to blog. It's the Monday-Tuesday syndrome where I don't want to blog. These two days are like the I-don't-want-to-blog-days. Hahaha. Oh well. Plus there weren't anything much to blog about. So yeah.

But yes, this week is proceeding well. Believe it or not I finally got to start my experiment on Monday! Yes! After 12 weeks haha, and well I could have started last week but I couldn't as I took leave. But hey I'm just happy that at least I started already :D Though it's just staining, but I'm really happy cause it's my first time staining a tissue sample (and not cells). So it's awesome! :)

And I get to take nice pictures too hehe yum yum.

I've always loved the microscope. It lets me see things I can't see with the eye. And yep, it lets me discover the things that we cannot comprehend by looking at the outside I suppose. Though yes, through this staining protocol I've learnt how subjective normal staining can get. I can't wait to get to the non-staining part :) Yay ness hehe.

Today somehow I felt like listening to this great Indonesian song that I always loved. I can cry watching the video alone. Whenever I feel stressed out, I would watch this video. It would make me sad, but at the same time it would give me the fighting spirit too! It's called "Jangan Menyerah" by D'Masiv. It translates to don't give up. I'll post some of the nice lyrics below.

Alright some of my favourite lyrics are....

The intro

"Tak ada manusia, yang terlahir sempurna. 
Jangan kau sesali, segala yang telah terjadi"

No human is born perfect, don't regret whatever that has happened

"Syukuri apa yang ada, hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini, melakukan yang terbaik"

Be grateful of what you have, life itself is a gift. Always live life, giving your best

"Tuhan pasti kan menunjukan, kebesaran dan kuasa nya
Bagi hamba nya yang sabar, dan tak kenal putus asa"

God will always show his greatness and power,
for the people who are patient, and those who never give up

Nice lyrics right! Haha. Anyway the video itself is so sad. Looking at those street performers who seek their livelihood just to perform on the roadside, hoping the passing cars and people would give them a measly amount of money to survive. These street performers are kind of common in Indonesia. They're like buskers but they dance. The look on their face made me sad.

So yeah when I'm feeling stressed and life seems very tough, I would listen to this song. And I would watch the video to remind myself that there are other people who are living a tougher life than me, trying to survive. So I should feel more grateful, and I should be as strong as them to fight these troubles I'm facing. If they can do it, I sure can too. We're all humans after all.

Yup... Sharing my favourite song. I hope it cheers you up too! :) Goodnight people.


PS: I miss home.

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