Monday 16 June 2014


I've been wanting to blog since like a few days back but it never happened, so I'm pretty sad heh. But anyway yup it's been an alright days the past week! Not so good in business wise cause we literally ran out of flowers. Like seriously. No more flowers. Well it's a long story but it goes down to a mistake we did back three months ago. Welcome to the flower business. What you do now will be resulted three months later. Good or bad, be ready to take it.

I was feeling rather stressed last week cause I had to explain this to my customers. And I feel really really guilty because well, this could be prevented but well I suppose we just miscalculated the timing, and hence we landed in the wrong timing. Well I don't know, I am feeling annoyed by myself because when this happens I begin to like blame on me, like I could have done this and that. But alas, getting angry over this won't make flowers magically appear tomorrow.

So well this is a great lesson we learned I suppose. And if this did not happen, I think we will continue doing the mistake over and over again. Blessing in disguise, unopened gifts of life which well I open now. A lesson I learned although, painfully.

I'm currently reading "The Tibetan Book of The Living and Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche and I am really hooked to that book. The first few pages of the book already enlightened me. So I'm pretty eager to find out the rest. I love books like this because it taught me about life and it's really interesting. So far the greatest lesson I've learned from the book is that I should remind myself to stop trapping myself in Samsara. The ocean that makes our life difficult, created by us.

Anxiety, jealousy, anger, hatred and so on, they make samsara. So I'm learning to let things go, what cannot be changed, and what I can't control of. I am learning to free myself.

Life is really easy, but we insist of making it complicated!
Confucius was right all along by saying that.

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