Monday 30 June 2014

7 seconds

I chanced upon this song from the 90s yesterday. It is a beautiful song. At first I love this song because of the nice melody and chords. Until I realised that there's an English lyric in the middle, and French too. And then I chanced upon the lyric of the song that sent shivers down my spine. The lyric stayed with me throughout the day. It's that powerful heh.

The first lyric that sent shivers down my spine is this:
"When a child is born into this world, it has no concept of the tone of skin its living in"

The second lyric that also sent shivers down my spine and got stuck in my mind is:
"There's a million of voices, to tell you how she should be thinking"

The second lyric, especially, is something that got me thinking throughout the day. I kept on thinking on how true the second line is. To all of us, here in this world.

Although I think the song is referring to violence and racial prejudice that we're facing in this world (from the line "concept of the tone of skin" I suppose), I think the second lyric really shows another problem we are all facing, that is judgements that we get from society. Be it because of our race, sexual orientation, economics, education etc.

So after researching what does the writer of this song mean by "7 seconds", I came across an article regarding the song, and it is stated that the 7 seconds refer to the first moments of a child's life, as the female singer of the song, Cherry Neneh, puts it "not knowing about the problems and violence in our world". Oh you yes you can read the article here.

And I think it is very true. You know they say that we all cry as we are born into this world because we already know how tough life is going to be, and how much problems this world has. And in fact if we don't cry, it signifies that there might be something wrong with us, i.e: our throat is blocked with mucus, water etc. So yes, all of us cry as we're born into this world.

Today I thought to myself, that how much pure all of us were as we're brought into this world by our mothers. How much of a "human" we all are as we enter this life. And then as we move along life, as we grow up, there is indeed a million voices that (kinda) tell our parents how we should be thinking. Not only thinking but behaving, doing, achieving etc.

When we're born, we're really really the pure essence of a human. A living being, with an empty mind that is not shaped and defined by anything. The only thing that would be defined to us is the thing that enter our body like the food, medicine, supplements etc. As we grow into infants, and then young children, our mind begins to be shaped. By the teachings and guidance of our parents, to become young man, and well to survive in this world.

As we grow into young adults, thank to the things we learned in school, at home and in this world basically, we begin to form our own minds, and we learn how to shape our own mind. For example, things we thought were true and correct when we were young, may seem wrong now, and vice versa. And all of these is helped by the heart I suppose.

Sadly, sometimes I feel that we're a product of what society thinks we should do, what our parents expect of us, what the world think we should be come. Rarely, we become who we think we should all be. Yes, I am one of them too.

As we all grow up, well there is indeed a million voices, telling not only our parents but ourselves too, about the way we should be thinking. We're often hearing voices of other people, of society, and of the world to how we should all behave. When we do something out of the norm, we feel really different and weird, that we decided to follow the bandwagon and just be "normal". When we want to become someone, we decided not to because this "someone" is not a famous person in this society. So well think again, who are we really trying to become?

I feel that we live in a world that makes being who we truly are, as an act of crime. Not because it is truly a crime, but because of these million voices that feed the ears and minds of the world, that sets a "standard" to how and what someone should truly be. And it is very very saddening whenever I think of it. It feels like we can never be who we truly are, because of these voices.

Where is the essence of being human that we once carried into this world as we are born into it? That essence, the innocence that could have allowed us to be the brightest and greatest human? If not for all of these voices we hear, we can truly be what we can be.

Let me as you a question, when was the last time you did something, you decided on something, with all your heart only? When was the last time you did something out of your own will? When was the last time you decided to do something straight away, without ever counseling your parents, teachers, co-workers and friends? When was the last time you did something without giving a care of what society and the world will think of you?

I've always thought how wonderful life will be, if becoming who we want to be is as easy as breathing the morning air. Everyone around us, becoming who they want to be, doing what they love. But of course, life would not be all wonderful too. Where's that challenge, that resilience that would arise from us as we fight to become who we want to be. The fight for freedom, the freedom from these million voices that tell us who we should be!

In the recent light of white vs pink battle in Singapore for example. I truly and fully support Pink Dot. Because I support the freedom to love anyone and everyone regardless of their sexuality, race and religion. I don't understand how Pink Dot is endangering family values in Singapore. It's not like as if Pink Dot is an event that encourages everyone to be homosexuals. It is not an event where straight people who go there will turn gay or something.

Why would you force your beliefs and views on other people's lives? I don't get it. If it's a sin to your religion to be homosexuals, then so be it. But that doesn't mean other people who are not of your religion can't be homosexuals. How would you feel if I ask you to be homosexual even though you're as straight as two parallel lines. You won't like it right? That's how homosexuals think when they are told that they cannot be gay.

And if you think being homosexual is not the right way because males and females should be together to ensure a continuity in the species, do remember that there are billions of people who are straight and that homosexuality has existed for a long long time in the animal kingdom. People don't choose to be gay. It's something they carry into this world. Unless you know you're gay but you hide it for so long and then come out as "I choose to be gay".

This world has too much voices that tell how the world how and who it should become. It's just so damn sad really. Although of course, it is too late now because somehow, somewhat, our minds have already been shaped by some voices through our lives. But it is never too late to begin shaping our minds, for the rest of our lives.

I take it that our minds are like a piece of clay. When we're young this piece of clay is shaped like an oval. And then it is shaped into various different forms as we are growing up. When we become adults, we learn how to shape it on our own. And life, is how we let the world and ourselves shape this beautiful piece of clay into the most exquisite and beautiful shape someone, only you, can create for yourself. And the key is to balance everything.

Anyway, June is finally over. It's been a rough month that I'm so glad is over. Somehow for the past three years, my June has been a rough month. I hope I can break this chain, well only I can break it anyway. Goodbye June! You've been a great teacher. Now the bright days of July are waiting for me. Alright that's all for now. I hope you enjoy reading this post. Hello July! :)

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