Thursday 27 October 2016


I was supposed to blog about this last night but my lovely internet had kindly died on me, and I am too stingy to use portable hotspot on my phone and thus, I'm here today. Anyway yes, yesterday was day 300 of the year! Which also means that it's the 300th day of me becoming a vegetarian. I am very pleased and surprised that I made it this far haha. Well, if you do things for the right reasons, life will make sure that you go along. And so I think I've done it for the right reasons.

Although I've become a vegetarian for this long, well to be honest I couldn't really feel any huge differences in my body. I didn't lose weight, or "feel" healthier. But then again how can we measure health right. I did a blood test last month though and my levels were awesome. My triglycerides level is below 100 (74) and I've never hit below 100 in my history of blood tests. It shows something right.

Well nevertheless like I mentioned a lot of times, I'm not doing this for health reasons. Whatever benefits I get in return, I take it as a good karma that life has given me. I do this for the animals.

Anyway I'm gonna do another separate post about this at the end of the year. A very long post.

The internet died last night so well, I couldn't do anything much. Sometimes I feel that my internet always died at the right times. Because of this, I finished my work last night haha. Work that I've been putting off for about one week (oops). And I did some needed journal writing too, and read a book.

I know it sounds crazy but I've come to a realisation that in the 24 hours of my day, I only have.... 2 - 3 hours of free time. When I mean free time, I mean a time where I can do whatever I want. And sometimes, I use this free time to do work hah. I've been teaching myself not to rely on something as my source of entertainment. YouTube has become my source of entertainment, now that I no longer watch TV. So if the internet died, I have other things to make me happy! Music, books, journals etc.

But most importantly, I'm glad that I have this 2 - 3 hours to myself, alone. I really need to spend sometime alone everyday. And this time of the day is the only time I have to be fully alone. Obviously I don't consider my pooping and bathing time as time spent alone. Or time I spent before dinner/before work. It's only 15 minutes of alone time. Now I have at least 2 hours. It's very very blissful.

As I grow up I realise that you'll have lesser and lesser time for yourself. So I always make sure and make full use of this time to be alone. I've always considered myself a loner. It's not necessarily something negative for me. Perhaps I've gotten used to solitude when I was still in Singapore and I want to carry this habit of mine with me. But then again, I've always enjoyed being alone.

Like I always believe - sometimes, most of the time, loneliness gives me happiness.