Wednesday 12 October 2016


There are random times in my life where I just feel and realise... How fucking precious our life is. Like every, single, moment of this life is so precious. And that we should seriously live our life to the fullest, utilising every moment that we have to give the best in whatever we do. At the same time I feel sad and upset when I see people not doing this. When they do the complete opposite.

I kind of realised as I dig deeper and deeper into Buddhism, it is really a beautiful religion that focuses on making the best out of our lives. Buddhism really taught us how to live to the fullest. In Buddhism there is something know as "The Four Thoughts". The first thought says it all: that being born into this world as a human being is a very very fortunate event. Cause apparently it's difficult to be reborn as a human being heh. So we gotta be thankful to be given another opportunity. 

This thought is an important one because it sets the wheel going. By knowing how precious this human life of ours is, we are determined to really make good use of our time in this beautiful world.

So it really saddens me when I meet people who, instead of making full use of their time, decided to do bad things or waste this life away. People who commit crimes, people who hurt others, and so on. It's so sad really. Like why do we have to use this time in this world to hurt one another!

Tonight is kind of an interestingly "bad" night. Basically, someone in the company decided to steal kind of a huge sum of money - to gamble. We told him that well can you return the money, if not return at least half of the money. He said we should give him one more chance and we can cut his pay to return the money. No we can't do that. Cause this is the second time that he's doing this to us.

We were not like infuriated and stuff. We're just disappointed really. For me I was really upset that he has to do this at a young age of 25. He has a long way to go and now what? He wants to spend his youth in a jail cell? And what upsets me the most is he's begging us to give him one more chance and not to call the police yada yada, but he has the guts to steal the money. It doesn't make sense.

Like he's afraid of going to jail but unafraid of stealing money. Oh come on. You're so cute.

So yeah. It truly saddens me when people do this kind of thing. Oh and there's one more thing that upsets me - he doesn't want his parents to know because he's worried that they'll be shocked and get stressed out. Then why did you do this in the first place? Oh my goodness haha.

At the end of the day, humans will have to pay the price of their own stupidity.

And I'm sorry, life will never ever give you a discount.

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