Tuesday 30 May 2017


 My vegetarian bazhang!

Today is the 5th of the 5th Lunar Month which means it's Duan Wu Jie or dragonboat festival! A day where we eat rice dumplings (bazhang) and race some dragonboats. Err I think hahaha. It's been two years since I last ate a proper bazhang. And I miss it! So what happened was last year, I told myself that I am going to make my own vegetarian bazhang next year since I can't eat those with meat.

What happened two days ago? *googles bazhang vegetarian in Jakarta* HAHAHA

Thankfully I found out that there was a vegetarian bazhang festival in a mall near my aunt's home! So I asked her to get some for me and I am so thankful that she helped me get them cause they taste so good! It's filled with mock meat, mushroom, lotus seed and salted egg yolk. I ate them for lunch and dinner today haha. It is my first bazhang in two years. So happy that I get to eat it again! I miss them :(

Which reminds me of something. I kinda realised that I hadn't eaten a lot of things in these two years of being a vegetarian. Some things which I told myself that I can't live without haha. Like ramen, pizza (okay I can still eat them), sushi and bakso (oops). Well I'm kinda surprised with myself that I don't miss meat at all, all these time. I do miss the flavours of some soup but then I'm fine without them.

One of the perks of being a vegetarian is that you will have less cravings. And I conclude that with less cravings you will be a happier person since you have lost another chance of being unhappy when you can't satisfy your cravings. Get what I mean? Like for example I won't crave for ramen, and thus reduced by chance of being unhappy when I can't satisfy my ramen cravings heh.

I do try to make/find vegetarian version of my favourite dishes. Well sadly I don't live in the US or Europe where they have vegan everything haha. But it's okay the simple vegetarian dishes I have everyday is good enough. As long as I can eat to keep my away from hunger, unlike many other people who can't feed themselves and their families on a daily basis. Be thankful yo!

Okay this is just really a random post about vegetarian bazhang haha. I hope you had some great bazhangs today too. Happy duan wu jie once again to those celebrating! :)

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