Monday 8 May 2017


Something weird/incredible happened yesterday. Actually I'm not even sure if this is can be called an incredible thing when it involves me getting hurt hahaha. But it's kinda weird too.

Okay so what happened was on Sunday, I went out to another place near the farm. It's a place I've never been before. As I was parking the car, there was a stray dog who approached the car. She looked so happy with her wagging tail and butt. She even climbed onto my door looking excited. No barks, nothing. But as I opened the door she went away and went to chill in another spot further from me.

As I was leaving the place, I went to her and patted her head. Which she then.. Bit me T_T

Okay it wasn't a bite, it's like those warning bites? She was just placing her teeth on my hand. She didn't bite my hand with force. I wasn't hurt but it was just sore. No blood nothing, thankfully heh.

The interesting thing that happened was... I was super calm about it. I didn't react to the bite (okay except for retracting my hand). I didn't shout in pain, or try to shoo the dog away. I just stood in front of her and stared at her. I looked at my hand to check for blood etc but there wasn't any. Then I went inside my car and drove back to the farm. I was... Pretty calm about it. I was surprised too. 

I realised this at the end of the day when I reached home. Like why was I so still? Why was I so calm heh. Like yes I was feeling sore and so on but I didn't react at all. I wonder if this is the result of three years of meditation haha. Okay well at that point all I have in my mind was that "full" realisation that a dog had bit me. I wasn't bleeding, and that's it. Is this what mindfulness is all about?

It felt quite amazing to be honest to realise that we have the ability to control our reaction. And not let our innate nature take a wild and random reaction to it. I suppose this is what mindfulness is. To realise everything that is happening at that moment. And see its blatant emptiness. Without reaction, without adding any other unnecessary stuff to the moment. And what you get in return, is a serendipity that you can fully bask and experience in that one short moment. No suffering, nothing.

Although err after I returned home I was worried that I might get rabies haha. Okay there was no blood and I suppose that's fine. Also I washed my hand right away after I reached the farm. And I'm feeling okay now sooooo yeah. Let's not be unnecessarily paranoid haha. I think not... I hope not.

But anyway yeah, this was a very random post. I just want to share with you how blissful it was to experience this serendipity. I've never felt this way before. I hope I can approach things in this matter.

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