Thursday 17 August 2017

Happy Birthday Indonesia!

 Selamat Ulang Tahun Tanah Air ku.

It's the 17th of August which means my country turned 72 today! Happy Birthday my beloved tanah air. May you always grow and prosper always as we move forward! :) It's always a special day to me. Although I've spent most of my life away during this day, it's always a good day to reflect about being Indonesian. A good day to wish for greater progress in the future. Well we still have a long way to go. But we'll get there. I always believe so! In our own unique ways and roads.

Indonesia may not be the best country on earth. I believe there's no such thing as a "best" country on this planet. I think we all are all beautiful and flawed in our own ways. I love my country. I love my homeland. And I'm still trying to be that one person who could bring a positive change here. Indonesia is huge, I don't even know where to start! Haha. But one act of change is better than none.

Well my message to my country is that I hope we can all remain united together in the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, or to be united in diversity. We are all people from different walks of life. Though we may have differences, I hope we'll remember that at the end of the day, 

our blood is red, 

and bones are white.

Just like our flag.

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