Thursday 31 August 2017

Circle of Life

So yesterday, my dad had a muscle cramp on his waist and it was pretty painful. In fact it was so painful that he spent the evening laying on the bed because he couldn't move too much, and that it hurt when he walks. So I spent the evening doing calculations by myself and also taking care of him, putting some hot compress on his waist, and basically doing his usual routine while he's resting.

It dawned upon me how much my parents have grown old. Well they're not -that- old but age is basically catching up on them. Body aches became a routine for them, and evidently, it takes longer for them to recover from flu etc. Which usually takes a shorter time, as long as I can remember.

Well no one can escape from the force of time. We will grow old eventually too. It's just pretty bittersweet to see this happening right now. I mean yes I spent most of my time with my dad and my parents. I've been cooking/heating up dinners for them and so on. I also realised how I've been holding them as they walk and I become wary when the floor is slippery, when the weather is cold etc.

Which reminds me - that all of these worries are the worries that my parents used to have when I was small! Or actually even until now haha. Which then brings me to a thought:

"One day our parents will become our children"

I realise how much I've been nagging at my parents, instead of the other way round (no actually my mum still occasionally nags at me too haha). Simple things like reminding my dad to wear jacket when we're going out (cause the weather is pretty chilly these days). Reminding my mum not to eat too much spicy food cause it'll give her gastric. Warning my dad that the floor is slippery, holding his hands as we're walking. Closing the window when my mum is sleeping cause it can be cold, and so on.

All of these, are things that my mum always nag at me when I was young (or till now). 

So in one way or another, we'll come back to where we begin. It's really the circle of life I guess? Or it's just the idea that we are repaying the deeds of our parents, as they took care of us when we were young. One day our parents will become our children. The question is, 

can we treat them as our children, like how they treated us as theirs?

Oh yes PS: My dad's doing much better today.

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