Monday 28 July 2014

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1435H :)


First of all I want to wish all Muslims around the world Eid Mubarak! Or those in Southeast Asia, a happy hari raya Idul Fitri 1435H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin! :) Can't believe it's another lebaran, it feels like yesterday when last year's Lebaran happened really.

Today one of my customers came to visit my hometown from Jakarta!  Of course I gladly bring him around my hometown and to the farm of course. Since today was the first day of the Lebaran holiday, my hometown is really really empty. So empty, that I felt the emptiness and it's kinda scary too! Heh. I mean I am not used to having my hometown so empty.

After visiting the farm I brought them to the temple, they wanted to go to the one at Pelabuhan Ratu but since the journey is pretty long, I brought them to my hometown's one heh. And then after that they went back to Jakarta while my sister and I did some shopping at the supermarket. On the way there we took the road on the outskirts of town and it was really a beautiful day. Just a lovely day for a drive to be honest. So pretty! All the blue skies and puffy clouds.

In the evening we had a satay session as usual, every Lebaran. Well it's supposed to happen last night but I was on my vegan day so my dad kindly shifted it to today awww hahaha. My brother, his wife and my nephew went to Jakarta. So the house was rather empty. But well thankfully my sister joined us so it wasn't that empty.

The emptiness of my hometown can be truly felt inside my heart. I think it feels pretty weird that I'm finally at this age of 22, on this year's Lebaran. Bringing a customer around. And yeah having dinner with my family with my sister and husband. It just feels so... Quick. Everything. Life, time and so on. It was rather overwhelming but hey, life goes on right. And time has to move on no matter what. Perhaps well, I'm finally a grown-up now I suppose :)

Anyway I finally finished reading The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche! It's such a fantastic and truly enlightening book in my opinion. I've definitely learned a lot, and I will surely re-read it. It's quite "heavy" because there's a lot of Tibetan terminologies which I often look back to the appendix/glossary cause I forgot heh.

Truly recommend everyone to read it!

Alright I will stop here for now. Selamat Hari Raya once again! :)

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