Sunday 6 December 2015

25 Dark Sky Islands

25 and Dark Sky Island

Mind the title, I was just thinking of a nice title for this post where I'll be talking about Adele's and Enya's new album haha. Okay not in depth but... I REALLY LOVE THE ALBUMS 

So anyway, I pre-ordered both albums like I mentioned in my previous post. This is the first time Amazon is on-point with delivery time haha. Well the expected delivery date is 3rd December but they both arrived on the 4th. No worries! At least they both arrived safely here. I'm still waiting for a few albums to arrive though. Like Coldplay's AHFOD, Grimes' Art Angels and Szymon's Tigersapp vinyl!

On Friday night I gave both albums a listen. And I just fell in love deeply with them. I think Enya's new album is definitely worth the 7 years of wait. I am glad that I am still "listening to Enya". Her character is still there, in every song of the album. Enya is the first artist that I became a fanboy of. I have been listening to her since I'm ten and till today, her songs feel truly special to me whenever I listen to them.

As for Adele's 25, oh my goodness. Almost all of her songs just stroke a string in my heart. I remember when Adele announced the release of her album back in October I think, she posted on Facebook "25 is about getting to know who I've become without realising". And I knew that this album is going to become something that I can definitely relate to! Well, it is.

I remember when I first listened to "Million Years Ago" on my discman, after the song, I just paused my discman and stare on the wall. I just felt like every word on the lyric speaks about the feelings and thoughts that I've been having for quite some time now. So... Thank you Adele haha.

I am going to write a more in depth review of both albums in another post! :)

I think 25 and Dark Sky Islands are one of 2015's best albums. I can't really seem to connect with Adele's songs cause like I said, I have never been in a relationship haha. But this album is different. It's really about getting to know who you are, and to mend a broken heart too. I really love Adele. I love her voice, her character and personality. If there's one artist that I wish I can have a conversation with (actually I want to do this with all my favourite artists heh) is actually Adele! I think she's so fun to have a conversation with. And there are so many questions that I want to ask her :P

Alright that's all for me now. More in-depth review of both albums coming soon!

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