Friday 18 December 2015


Today is one of the most terrifying day of my life. It felt like a movie, seeing everything unfold. 

So one of the machine at the factory caught fire and well it was quite huge. Thankfully the fire only happened on the machine, and it didn't spread anywhere. Somehow it felt like a miracle, how the fire only happens on that one spot. But the fire was quite huge. It's my first time seeing such a huge fire.

Thankfully apart from damages, there are no victims. And that's the most important thing.

We called the fire brigade and they came in less than 5 minutes (wow!) and while waiting for them to arrive, the workers and I tried our best to extinguish it. And also to get whatever thing that might catch fire out of the building. To be honest I was very awed by the workers. Everyone just came and rush to help, they just helped one another and it feels awesome to see them do this. Not even the factory workers but workers from my mum's shop and my sister's shop came as well.

Not only the workers, but people around the factory came to help as well. Bringing whatever they can bring to help extinguish the fire like hoses and buckets of water. Although lets be honest, the fire was so huge it can't be extinguished with these things heh. But their gestures, are just so amazing.

The fire was put out in less than an hour. It was long because they were trying to cool this heated component of the machine which was pretty stubborn to cool down to heh. But after about 45 minutes they stopped the spraying and the fire was put out completely. 

Thankful for everyone's help and hard work. This is one of the things I love most about my country and her people. That in times of difficulties or disaster, people will just help no matter where they are. There are lots of time where I was helped by random strangers without even me asking them to. So yes, thank you everyone. Terima kasih sebanyak-banyak nya :)

Well I was in a state of shock after the whole incident, for a few hours. When I saw the fire I went panic mode really, cause like I said I've never seen such a huge fire before. I was both in a state of helplessness and panic. Helpless because all I can do is to wait for the fire brigade to come, panic because... Well there's fire! I was panicking for people's safety, and also worried if the fire will spread.

2 months ago, the market at my hometown caught fire and the fire was so huge that it could be seen at my house. If I'm so terrified seeing a fire at this scale earlier today, I really can't imagine the fear that the victims of big fire disasters have. Let me be honest with you, I was feeling shocked the whole evening. It was really terrifying, even though I know the fire has been put out and that there are no victims. That fear and thought linger with me through the night. It's so weird.

Today taught me two things, firstly how wonderful the people of my country are and secondly, that things can go wrong anytime. But we have to be prepared for it. Perhaps it was really human's negligence that caused this. Or maybe it was pure accidental. I don't know but well, life is life. I just hope that none of this will take place in the future again. Ever again.

What a day. I'm just glad that everything was okay in the end (except for damages of course). Whatever happened, has happened. And I believe this happened for a reason. Perhaps it was a wake up call for us to be more careful. Or a painful lesson to learn to make us better human beings.

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