Thursday 3 December 2015

Busy Bee

I just finished listening to Coldplay's gig in London which was streamed at BBC Radio 1! It's such an amazing gig and the band is sounding awesome as always. I am super excited for their new album which is going to be released tomorrow. I've pre-ordered them so I'll just have to wait for it to arrive (I don't know when). Coldplay is my favourite band seriously. I love Sigur Ros a lot. But Coldplay has stayed with me since I'm young! So they're very special to me.

Well Coldplay and Sigur Ros are to me, the best bands on earth haha.

Anyway sorry for not blogging again! I've been pretty busy the whole week, after my sis' wedding. Lots of things to do heh. And today I was just determined to finish up all the remaining work I have to do. It's kinda annoying cause work is piling up and I couldn't find the time to do them cause... I have more work haha. But nevertheless I'm done now weeeee. That's the reason why I can comfortably listen to Coldplay's stream and blog now. The past 3 nights I've been busy with work.

And guess what, this is my 100th blogpost for the year!! Hurrah. This is the first 2015 resolution that I achieved - to maintain the blog post number for the year in 100 (at least). Although I will definitely have lesser blog post this year than 2014. It's alright! I managed to hit 100.

I wanted to blog like everyday for the month of December to break my record again. But I don't think it will be possible, and also I don't want to "force" myself to blog just to exceed the number of posts as last year. Well I suppose life has caught up on me this year, and I can't blog as often as 2014. I do have plans for next year to revive this blog of mine again. I really love blogging. I love writing. Although no one reads my blog (except for a few loyal followers), I still enjoy reading my blog (self-praise).

Nothing beats the joy of re-reading your own thoughts really.

Oh well, December is here now! I seriously can't believe 11 months have went by just like that. I'm so excited for 2016. I don't know what will happen and how they year will be. I'm pretty sure it's going to be an exciting year for me, somehow. Every year, I learned a lot of new things from the events I went through and the people I met. And well, I'm always looking forward to meeting the new year.

It's so funny how when I'm still in school I always dread the new year because of the things that were happening inside it. Like streaming year, O Levels, FYP, and the year in which I was returning home for good. But I suppose once life has caught up on you, you won't dread any year, any month or any day. You have learned the rhythm of life, and you're just playing alongside with it.

We're all growing old I suppose.

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