Thursday 1 September 2016


Today is the first of September which means I've been blogging for 8 years now! Can't freaking believe that it's been eight years since I blog hah. When I look at "eight", it doesn't seem like a long time. But when I remind myself that I started blogging since secondary three, I feel really old. I went through a lot, and it's always an enjoyable affair re-reading my old blog posts. 

Although I feel like vomiting blood sometimes, when reading some posts heh.

I remember the reason behind starting to blog was to improve my English but clearly I wasn't using proper English while blogging back eight years ago. Well come to think of it blogging was the in thing when we were still in secondary school. Many people have blogs and people like to "hey link me on your blog!". We have a chatbox on our blog and that's how we comment on our posts.

To be honest I didn't really expect myself to go this far with my blog. Yes, my goal was to blog forever. I'm serious, in 2050-ish, when I'm in my 60s, I want to hold the "world's oldest and longest blogger" record haha. Not even sure if Blogspot will last till then. I was reading rumours that one day Google might just get rid of blogger, since the fall of bloggers back in 2010-ish thanks to social media.

It's quite obvious with the decreasing number of friends who once used to blog even in their poly days. I don't blame them. Blogging can be quite taxing. Why bother write a long post when you can write in 160 characters right? Or share photos of your lunch with the world instantly.

As you can see on the right, I actually almost gave up blogging in 2013. What made me change my mind was spending the last few days of that year re-reading my posts all the way from 2010 heh. I realise how much powerful blogging can be in terms of documenting your memories. Although ever since I returned home, I rarely blog about my day here. More of my thoughts. But still interesting!

I'm not sure until when I can keep up with this. But I promise to myself that I will continue blogging until I can't blog anymore - that's if Blogspot decided to close down, or I die before this happens haha. And even if blogspot shuts down, I will find an alternative place to blog. And yes, even if it means that I will blog once a week, then once a month, then once every three months hah. Okay just kidding, I'll blog as often as I can, until I get so busy that I decided to give up blogging.

I can't really explain and put into words about why I enjoy blogging - apart from re-reading my posts in the near (or far) future. I've enjoyed writing for quite some time. Have to send my regards to Mrs Lee, my English teacher from secondary 3 onwards for sparking this interest in me. I used to hate writing, I don't find joy in it. But Mrs Lee's lessons made me enjoy writing. So thank you very much Mrs Lee!

And I know this sounds cliche but I think one more reason to why I enjoy blogging is... Not gonna lie, the Singapore school system. Come to think of it we always have a "reflection" section after every activity. When I was in primary school we keep a journal that we have to write an entry for every week. And I had done a lot of reflections across my school life in Singapore. Particularly during primary and secondary school days. And this really made me enjoy contemplating a lot. Reflecting on life basically.

Well nevertheless, I'm proud about my progress in this blog. I've never expected myself to go this far with clouds of Sunday (previously life-symphony). Eight years down, many many more years to go!

So yes, happy anniversary to my dearest blog. Glad to have you as a friend the past 8 years. It feels like having a place I can go to and have a conversation with myself every night. But most importantly:  

Thank you for being a place where I can talk to myself without anyone judging that I am insane.

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