Friday 20 October 2017


One of the things that I dislike is... Pointless discussions. Discussions that go nowhere, and have no goals or endpoint in mind. Not only I feel that it is a waste of time and energy, it is also pointless. We might as well have no discussions! Haha. I'm definitely more of a doer kind of guy, than a discuss-er kind of guy. Although yes, discussions are important before we do things.

My years of education have led me here. We did have lots of discussions for project work and assignments and they go well most of the time because we know where we are going. There is a solution that we are looking for, and most of the time, the problem is there.

However as I'm working now, there are often times where I end up in a discussion where we don't know what the problem is, and how are we going to find the solution. We end up discussing pointless things and at the end of the discussion, I am left fazed with what the problem actually is, and clueless about the solution that we are trying to find. And I will feel pretty confused.

One bad habit that quite a lot of people have here is that we spend too much time talking. And because of this talking, we ended up arguing, and diverging to other "places" instead of focusing on the problem. Remember the post I once wrote about how this guy just came to us complaining about irresponsible people bla bla bla, when we were actually discussing about how to fix a flooding problem? 

Yup that's a very good example.

Most of the time, when I am discussing problems with my workers, I went to ask them directly. Here is a problem, why did this happen, how do we fix it. Once solutions come pouring in, I will ask them how to go about this solution and how we are able to execute it. And if there are problems regarding the solutions, we will discuss further. And like a good scientist, I will conclude all of our discussion in a beautiful conclusion that will give me that A. Uh huh.

But yeah. It's very hard sometimes to lead a discussion here. I'm a very cut-throat kind of guy. I don't want to waste time blaming people and blaming things that have already happened. I want to fix things and yup that's about it. Also there's this age-gap that I have with people around me. I'm much younger than everyone else and I always feel "small" whenever I talk to them. I often have that fear of being disrespectful and rude to them. So I always tone down.

Well like the previous post, I always remind myself of the 24 hours I have everyday. Do we want to waste time not finding the solution, or do we want to spend them well to fix it. This is a really random post. But there's a continuation to this! See you in part two.

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