Wednesday 25 October 2017

Little Talks

Alright, shall do a continuation of my previous post! Okay so previously I was talking about pointless discussions right. How I want to spend my 24 hours of my day well, and try to avoid these kind of discussions. There's also something I try to avoid: Small talks.

When I was in like secondary school/poly, I always have a negative impression of people who tell me that they don't like small talks. Like why are you so anti-social? Can't you be more interactive? Why so cold? Etc. Well I suppose back then I didn't really have a good idea what small talks are. Sure, I still talk to other people, and interact with them. But only when I want to.

I realise as I grow older, I can't stand small talks too. Like okay if you come and talk to me about things you are planning to talk about that's sure. It's those talks that really go nowhere that I don't like. Especially if you're someone I'm not close with. And I realise a few people here like to do this haha. Which is kinda annoying sometimes because time is ticking!

For example I have a few suppliers that I know of. And there are two kind of people that I come across with. There are those suppliers that just tell me "Hello, we sent these goods today, here's the receipt". And okay I will take note and pay them in the next few days. 

And then there are those suppliers that just go spend time asking me how I am, and this and that and this and that and then finally "Hi can you make payment?". Please, lets just go straight to the point haha. I mean I don't have all day to spend the time with you talking about this hahaha.

Okay don't get me wrong, I'm not a cold/anti-social person. I still chat with my friends and I'm totally find with that. It's really when you start talking to me and the conversation has nothing to do with my (or your) life. It's very pointless. And time is ticking. As always!

Also I kinda realise that I'm quite a cut-throat person. Like I will just straight away tell people what I want to tell them. Which is kinda a bad habit. My dad tells me there are better ways to communicate with people. You shouldn't be too crude about things heh. I'm not really crude as in like I will offend the person. I still know how to handle that myself hah. It's like during discussions etc, I'll just ask people what's the problem and how can we fix the solution.

And like I personally believe, telling the truth to someone without offending them is an artform.

Alright that's all for now. Just a random thought again about this! Freak October is coming to an end. Time is really flowing so quickly. It's crazy to think about it! Hope the rest of October will treat you well. 

See you soon :)

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