Sunday 19 September 2010


Pondering over the sky
Photography by Yours Truly
Taken at an Indian Temple in Chinatown.

To realise that my exams are over, it just feels really weird. Like you know, Sunday evenings are usually spent by me for studying. I'll plan of what to study, which to study and what to do. Now... What's there to study? Haha! Anyway... Time to enjoy I supposed. As from my previous posts, you can see how much things I wanna do during this holiday eh :)

Anyway yesterday was awesome, invited to Syazwani's house for lunch with some DBS1A02 friends. Yummm I really love her mum's food. Especially the pasta dish with the bakso-like-sausage! Then we took pics and then off I go to meet Sandra and James for the photo-hunting session :D

Okay this is random but my chrome just "shut" and I have to restart my comp and now I'm back :P

Okay so well met them at Chinatown for the shoot shoot outing... I'm sorry for being late! ><>

I'm in love with Black and White photography!

Haha yup, pictures in Facebook. After that James went off while Sandra and I took bus to Orchard. Sandra went home, while I went to meet my sis. Had dinner with my sis and home sweet home!

While today I went out, again, and this time round I went to buy mooncake! It's Marriot ones! Oh my God, thanks to me being an M1 user, I get a 20% off for mooncakes! Great or what hehe. And oh I bought a new reed too, cause mine sort of bent. Bleah. Time to season a new one.

You see... This is the joy of after exam. Seriously, everyday is like freedom. Out and out and out, to somewhere and not to school. But sometimes it's a bit weird either, cause you are so used to studying intensively for the past 3 weeks or so, and now you're off and free. No studying and stuff. As weird as it may have sounded, trust me, it'll feel weird.

So I guess it's all about the balance, too much of a good things is bad, so thus too much of a bad thing. It's alright to have fun, it's alright to get serious. It's EVEN BETTER to be both at the right time, at the right place and at the right balance. Life is about balance eh.

Okay I guess that's all for today. Tomorrow will be the start of my SPDP skating! How sweet and exciting it is right! I can't wait for it to start, cause it's been a dream for me to learn how to skate. It's really boring to cycle all the time in ECP, skating should be fun right :) Okay see ya!

Life is a play, and it is filled with thousand, if not millions of ironies.

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