Thursday 17 November 2011

Go Do

And the day comes to an end
The last day of the year is coming
Time is short, life is short
Make full use of it
Go Do!

I'm somehow, falling in love again with Jonsi's Go Do. Well actually I've been in love with the song. It's one of the rarest songs which I  would get instant endorphins whil and after listening to it. Well it's quite of a bizarre phenomenon but yeah, seriously, his songs make me happy. Maybe the hyped-up beat, may be the melody, may be the words, I just love it!

Anyway today was alright I guess. We presented on haematology! Like finally. Well cause two weeks ago, I was so well prepared for the case 1 presentation . Then ended up we're only required to present some parts. Oh well, I was a bit down then but today we presented the whole thing! How awesome :) And school was okay I guess, I was a bit high during Biostat for some apparent reason. No idea why.

Yesterday it was my first time hiking to Bukit Timah! We had our training there and we did a time trial. Whew, not as easy as I thought, but definitely an awesome training for all of us. We begin with a small trek for about 45 minutes (or lesser I think). Then we start our time trial. Well it's not a time trial which requires us to climb the whole BT but it's of a certain height which is rather challenging! Wow! :)

I'm pretty happy with myself cause I didn't stop. I mean well yeah I did stop but it was only for a few secodns. To wipe my sweat, to just tell myself I can do this, then continue the climb. I mean even though we're climbing staircases, it's not those regular ones but actually of quite a long height! I feel proud of my team too, during the trial we patted each other's back and support one another. Even though it's a time trial and that we "don't have to wait for our friends", support is still support. It's amazing how pat on my bag can boost my morale :)

Well I suppose it's true what they say. When you're up there, it's not you versus the terrain. But more of you versus yourself. No matter how hard the terrain will be, as long as you keep on fighting with your negative thoughts, the hike can just be a stroll in the park. And of course, as easy as a stroll in the park can get, it can feel like a full marathon when you're not just into it.

It's all in the mind :)

Anyway today I am supposed to have my 2.4 test, but it was pushed to tomorrow. Thanks a lot, cause my leg is still aching from yesterday's climb! No idea how to remove it :/ done stretching and stuff but still there. So with my 2.4 removed, I decided to... Walk home from school! Well this is my 2nd time walking home, and this time round I know the directions and stuff. The first time was really -.- just walking round and round.

Well didn't really walk home. In fact I walked from Dover all the way to Jelita (cause I need to buy stuff for dinner). Truly enjoyed the walk, perhaps I should do this more often. Thankfully I wasn't caught in the rain. And in fact, it didn't rain at all even though the clouds were so dark and gloomy.

On the side note, look what I found while walking home!

This was just found randomly on a pathway, someone must have carved it or something like that. It's carpe diem! Which in latin means seize the day :D I learnt this from my history teacher Mr Andy haha! 

Well I guess the walk I had today pretty much taught me something valuable. Life is short, there's just too little time to doubt yourself and to enclose yourself in your comfort zone. Get out of it, explore the world, and seize the opportunity. Seize the day and make full use of everything in it. Time is ticking my friend, remember we don't have much time left so enjoy it!

Funny how I never come across this before, even though I've been passing that path for a long time already (it's near the place I love to run). See? If I didn't walk home today, I wouldn't have seen this :)

Get the moral?

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