Sunday 1 February 2015


I've been sick for the past three days now, well felt so much better today, and I have to say that it was quite a scary experience. So as you know my body rejected paracetamol and ibuprofen four years ago. I haven't been getting any fever for the past 4 years (thankfully), it was just mild fevers and they would disappear after I sleep. So I wasn't really "scared" of fevers, although I know that I have nothing to rely on except for water and a hot shower when I have one. But now it's a whole different story.

So on Thursday when I woke up, I was already having a sore throat. So as usual I spammed Strepsils every two hours. Usually it works within 12 hours. However on Thursday evening I was feeling feverish, and so well, I just spam water and vitamin C "as usual". When I woke up on Friday the sore throat didn't get better somehow. And in the afternoon I started sneezing like 20 times and that's when the fever hit. I was felling chilly, feverish, and I know I was down with a fever. Not the "usual" ones.

I still went to the plantation as we had a delivery but when I returned home I was down with a fever. The fever from the afternoon didn't even go down. I took a nap for about 2 hours and I was still having a fever. I ate dinner, did a little calculation and I couldn't take it, I went back to my room to lie down cause the fever wasn't getting better at all. And Friday night was a terrifying night because this is the first time in four years that I am experiencing high fever, knowing that I have nothing to rely on except for water. It was 2 AM and the fever didn't go down. I slept until 5 AM and I was still having fever. I slept till 11 AM, waking up here and there throughout my sleep, and thankfully the fever went down.

On Saturday I was just feeling chilly but no high fever so it was okay. And I was having a pounding headache throughout the day. At night I was getting kinda better except for the headache part. I slept again, and this time round I had such a great night sleep and I woke up healed from the fever and headache. But my sore throat seems to get worst haha. Seriously body, please just get this shit through once and for all. Stop giving me problems one by one! Heh. Still spamming strepsils now.

So yeah, the past weekend was spent at home, nursing this fever. And it was indeed a scary experience. I suppose it's true when they say prevention is better than cure. For my case that is, because I know I have no cure! I have to prevent myself from getting a fever. And fever is the body's defence mechanism for an infection. So... I should avoid infection at all cost.

Knowing all these remind me why I wanted to enroll myself in Biomedical Science. The body is such an awesome awesome machine and when you understand the way it works, you will be so amazed. And well, we know like 1% of the human body so far? There is so much more mystery to be discovered.

As a BBC documentary I watched once says:

"The human body is the greatest doctor ever alive in this world"

Oh and yes February is here! Well it was a bitter ending to January with my fever. Hoping for a fantastic February ahead! Hope your February will be fantastic too :)

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