Monday 2 January 2012

And so I'm flying again

2011 ended with a bang! 
Lets start 2012 awesomely too :D

Sigh, currently in Jakarta airport's Starbucks again now. Waiting for time to slowly fly and for our flight. Cause well apparently we arrived so early! 2h50m before the flight haha. So we just went into the departure gate and we chilled in Starbucks. Great time so that I can Facebook, Tweet and blog :D

Anyway yeah schools starting tomorrow. Yaaaaay :D Yeah hate it or love it we have no choice but to accept the fact that yes, school is starting tomorrow. This week's gonna be a pretty busy for me with things like open house and well yeah, the school's-starting hypes and excitement. I guess my holiday has been a really great one so yeah... Feel so damn bleah to go back. But pretty excited with the new year :)

And... Yeah we have new groupings in class. When I see my group, I have no comment. At least I have Kai, but I'm so gonna miss my old group :( We're one awesome bunch. I know the intention is good (to mix us around in class) but well. Heh, I guess I just love my group too much. Love it hate it, I'm still going to work with that group so let's make it work! (Tim Gunn's style)

Tomorrow I shall come to school earlier to print my work and finish it. We start at 12, maybe 9 is a good time to go oh gosh T_T But nah should be fine. Can finish it on time! :) Can be done! (As Dr Tan would say it). Gonna be a long day tomorrow with practical. Hope it's a great day to distract my mind off the holiday blues and to get my ass working on the first day of school.

I know we all hate to go back to school (maybe not everyone but...) but hey, at times like this I would just remind myself that everything has its time, and everything has its place. Time keeps on going. So well yup, as much as we all want the holiday to continue or last longer, it can't. Cause there's a time for holiday, and there's definitely time for school. So don't be sad, because if there's time for school, soon, there'll be time for holiday too :)

It's just a matter of waiting, yea I know that that part sucks but well. Just wait.

Okay I shall end here. Will be heading for my gate soon so see you back in Singapore! :)

Everything has its time.

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