Thursday 26 January 2012

Blessing in disguise

Disappointments are part and parcels of life
that we ought to enjoy, we ought to savour
Might be a bitter hard to taste
But a sweet one to swallow

Hello! Today was an alright day I guess! Kind of an ordinary Thursday with Haematology and so on, but well not so great day for me cause I receive a disappointing and sad news. But no worries, I'm feeling fine now even though I was kind of emo the whole afternoon today. But oh well, it's life, Part and parcel of it we ought to enjoy and to learn :)

Anyway yes, today I received the news that I will no longer go to Stanford for my OITP. But instead I'm posted to SP's Biofactory! Of course I'm disappointed and sad, I mean I've been really rooting and looking forward to my OITP cause I know it will be one great experience. But hey I've always told myself to look on the brighter side of things, and to take this as a blessing in disguise. We never know.

Actually... I sort of expected or foresee that I won't be going for an OITP. First was the long wait, which I suspect why, cause the settling of visa and etc. And two... It's just my instinct. But anyway Dr Tan said he just got the confirmation so can't be helped either. That explains the long wait I suppose. But hey no worries really, be it in Stanford, be it in SP, I really don't mind.

I always believe that things happen for a reason. If they don't then they wouldn't have happened at all. So many things happened - which I learnt this. Well in life everything has its place and has its time. We all flow in this river of time, we reach a certain point of the journey where things happen and where things don't. So this time round, my OITP doesn't happen. And so yeah, that's life isn't it?

Okay honestly it'll be a lie to say I'm not sad. But at the same time, I'm not devastated of this outcome. I've been dreaming to go for an OITP since year one, seeing the many possibilities and opportunities I can come from my seniors. When I know we only have 3 placings for OITP, I was both excited and nervous and well hopeful that I can get in. I did get in, but eventually I don't.

Nevertheless on the bright side, I can look forward to the things I'll be having for going for a local ITP instead. I'll be seeing Vithya around, hence I've a friend here. Going to Stanford alone would be an awesome experience though heh. I'll save money, hence less burden for my parents (and myself). I'll be able to do things I would have missed, like Sundown 10K (Signed up! :D), HFH 2012, and so many more.

Truthfully, every ITP be it local or overseas, is one truly unique experience we all will get in our poly life. I guess the only edge we'll have for having an OITP is the extra experience and fun we can get. Travelling overseas, who wouldn't want to do that? Exploring new places, unforgettable experience surely it will be. But at the same time, you'll also have an unforgettable experience in local. Not everyone can get the same opportunity as you - to work locally while you are studying.

So yeah... I'm sad and disappointed, but most importantly I'm excited for my ITP! 6 months of no study but pure research and work. Sounds challenging but lets go, I'm accepting the challenge :)

Be it a blessing in disguise, remember that things do happen for a reason

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