Sunday 8 January 2012


Sunset today
Pretty amazing huh
I went to another part of the rooftop
Came back, only to realise this scene was gone
Live every moment of your life - don't miss a single one
Don't forget to live it wonderfully

That's the word I hate. But something I can't avoid. Something I regretted for this weekend. Yes! Me being such a lazy ass :/ But oh well... I have time now to redeem and return my words back to my mouth. So work after blogging! Rawrrr

Anyway just a thought of a lazy Sunday... Packed my stuff cause they're all in boxes now (due to the renovation that was going on in December) and it's not done yet! Still got like 4 boxes but they're books so easy to put back. Not some huge stuff that needs manoeuvring hehe.

Shall finish em soon!

Alright short post today. Just wanna end off with a thought I came about.

Is life really worth living, to complain on the tiniest imperfections it has?

Good night :)

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