Saturday 28 January 2012


One Saturday Afternoon

I've been feeling pretty poetic these days. But having a busy mind is somehow making me forget the poems that I've written in my head. Sometimes it's there, all I need is paper and pen to write them down. When I'm about to write them, I forget. I guess the human mind works like that. Good ideas come in a blink, and go in a blink. So... Do take them when you think about them.

As a Saturday as it is, well... I've always made Saturday an off day. No studying, nothing. Just a day for me to enjoy myself. I went out today with my sis and a friend. Wait, not a friend. In fact it's our first time meeting! It's my brother's friend I suppose :P But yeah, it's quite a nice day. A platform for me to break out of my cancer shell. Cause I'm one introvert person.

Saturday would well I guess be a favourite day of the week, after Friday. It's quite funny to think back how I love Saturdays when I was young. When I was still in Indo, Saturday was the official last day of school (and not Friday). In primary school, Saturday was just enjoyable. Secondary school (before Os) was really good too, after a long weel. When it comes to Os and beyond, I can't escape from "work" even on Saturdays.

But well, I guess what Mr Kwok said was right. Nowadays there isn't a single moment where we can truly "take a break". Sure we think we do, but surely as well, we don't. We can be resting, on Facebook, writing, singing and eating, whatever. But we know at the back of our mind, that work is waiting for us. That we need to do something. That we think of the things we need to do next.

Except for travelling. For me, travelling is a great way to take my mind off somewhere. I guess being in a new place, we can't think of anything else but a sense of excitement, wonder, curiosity and joy. I guess all these distract us from the world, that well, helped us to forget life. As much as I love running and walking, cause they took my mind off somewhere, I can't escape the fact that well, I still have things to do after that.

I guess writing (or blogging) is another thing I enjoy. Took my mind off, but same thing happened. At times I feel writing as something therapeutic. It relaxes my mind cause well even though I'm thinking of what to write, words just pour out of my brain. Together with the feelings I have, the emotions I bear. Same with music as well. Whenever I play the piano or sing. Amazing no?

This is my 690th post. Reaching 700 soon. Really hope I can reach 1000 before I turn (say... 22?) Or if possible 21. I think I can, provided I can blog more often. Pretty sad how my blog posts are decreasing by the year. I guess as we grow older, we get busier. And this blog is right here, available for me to unwind and relax. Yet I sort of neglect it.

Ah well, that's human for you.

Alright~ Off to do something now. It's 1:32AM. And I ain't sleeping yet!

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