Friday 10 August 2012

Hard Work Paid Off

 Good job to us! :) Awesome job :D

Today was a great day! A really great day for us, my awesome space challenge team! Cause we won the challenge under mission three which is the next generation healthcare and medical technology! (Y) Great job to the three of us, Vithya, Syazwani and I who came to NTU to present today. And thank you Mr Woo for being an awesome lecturer to accompany us there, and to send us back to SP as well.

I really couldn't believe that we won. Well I guess all I can say is that great job, thank you for your hard work you put in. The Sunday nights we have burnt and the other days when we need to do our assignment as well. Thank you for everything. To come up with such a report, and then eventually being selected for the presentation when we don't have any time to meet except for Sunday nights, and best part? Through Skype! So thank you, our hard work is surely paid off.

Thank you Syazwani and Vithya as well who came down to present despite of you both taking a leave today. And to Kai who managed to squeeze her schedule to come for the presentation but couldn't make it in the end. To Candy as well, though sadly you fell sick today (get well soon!) Basically to all of us, we couldn't have made it here without each of our hard work. We're a team, and there's no I in it. Whatever you gave no matter how big or small, is, still, part of our achievement.

I know that the past few days have been really uneasy between you and me. But all I want to say is let's just let things go. Whatever happened, happened. And whatever will happen will happen. Everything is over now so yup lets cheers to our hardwork! Thank you for everything once and for all. We'll discuss one day on the prize but of course we'll spread it evenly. And your certs are with me anyway.

It's over. Smile okay? :)

Anyway after the presentation and prize ceremony, I went to Vivo to meet Ade, Jes, WQ, MF and Neal for dinner! We had a hard time choosing what to eat but ended up settling at Asian Kitchen. Really yummy duck noodle soup omg. I wish I had two bowls though :P And yep it was a great catch-up with them especially to Adeline and MF who are starting their universities life next week! All the best guys and have fun ok! A new chapter is beginning so jiayou! :)

Alright I guess that's all for now. Really tired and I'm heading off to bed. So see you! :)

I'm happy that my hard work is paid off too.

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