Friday 3 August 2012

Suns of August

 Lets go for a getaway!

Whew, hello there, finally I'm blogging now. The last day of the week. Yup I guess I don't have to give the reason why I didn't blog for the entire week. When I reached home all I wanna do is just to rest and unwind, watch some TV and just yeah, chill after a long day of work. Or at times I just don't feel like blogging. But well here am I. Been a long week, I can write now.

This week has been a great one I suppose. We did lots of experiments so yeah it's good. And well it's kinda depressing that our immunostaining failed on Wednesday when we visualised it with confocal. But after redoing it a second time yesterday, today we see great results! I heaved a sigh of relief as I went whew, like as if I can enjoy the weekend well now.

Though we need to do a few optimising.

Anyway yes, it's been a long week, this 16th week. I just want to rest for the weekend. Of course I can spend it by just staying at home doing nothing. Watch TV, a nice drink on an afternoon. But well I might go out tomorrow. Somewhere, ECP maybe. Somewhere where beach and sun meets haha. I just need a short getaway. Yup somewhere nice with music and my book and pen.

It's quite funny how I've been telling myself to go to these "trips" to the beach, or the park. But well so far I've never done that (latest was Labrador Park, which was in February back in year 2). Sometimes perhaps it's just time, and fatigue. Or laziness. But yeah, I hope I can go to one soon. Just maybe a few hours by the beach listening to music.

I've always wished for a holiday overseas. Somewhere exotic. Of course in my situation now, time wouldn't let me do it. Life wouldn't let me do it. So just a trip to a beach would be lovely, even though I didn't leave overseas for a break. Just go for a getaway to forget about life, for that mere 2 hours or so maybe. And then perhaps I can get lost, to know myself.

I really do hope though, that in December after everything is over, I get to go for a short holiday somewhere. Thinking of Laos. Or Vietnam. Maybe somewhere closer to home like Bali. But well still have a long way to go so I'll worry about it later I guess. But yeah just a short break. I'm sure all of us deserve one right? At the end of the day.

Oh well. Human nature will always be human nature.

Alright I guess I shall stop now. I hope I get to do something relaxing and fulfilling tomorrow! Let's make my weekend a wonderful weekend! Ciao :)

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