Monday 6 August 2012

We live in a day

Hello, sorry for not writing yesterday. Somehow somewhat I forgot to write. Keyword: Somehow somewhat haha. But well yep here I am writing. Horrible, opened my blog page on 10:57 and it's 12:10 now and I just started writing. Oh well my mind always wander to the places my body couldn't go. Was watching some nice videos too haha.

Anyway today's the first day of week 17. Gonna be a short week I suppose with National Day on Thursday. I guess the week started off well, we did our third round of immunostaining today and we did antigen retrieval this time round, so I'm really hoping it can work. Hope the heat really does retrieve those shy antigens being blocked by the cross-links.

Tomorrow we'll continue and on Wednesday we will image it. Cross our fingers!

Today was a somehow... I-feel-tired-at-the-end-of-the-day day. Perhaps due to the fact that I couldn't sleep last night (I slept at 2:30 AM -_-) and yeah. I reached home at about 6:15 today and was just lying down to watch the TV. Was about to prepare dinner at 7 but I found myself sleeping and I woke up at like 7:30. Then... I don't know why but I craved for chocolate so I ate one.

Then.... I fell asleep again and woke up at 10 -_- oh gosh I don't know why but yeah. And somehow that chocolate made me really full and I ended up not eating dinner at all. I just had blueberries and cucumber for a snack just now haha. Now I'm in a state of being hungry and being not. Weirdest feeling ever I must say. Hope I won't wake up tomorrow morning feeling famished.

Perhaps yeah I'm really tired from the lack of sleep. I'm heading to bed soon anyway, hopefully enough rest till tomorrow. Planning to go back to band to practice as well.

I've been feeling pretty rather weird these few days. Or just in fact today. Like somehow after work, I don't want to go back home straight. But I want to go somewhere for a while before I head back home. It was weird to an extent that I was on the urge of taking a cab somewhere just to go somewhere basically. But of course I didn't do that. Peak hour = expensive.

Telling myself I've been wanting a break somewhere. Well I guess my wish is coming true with my going back next Thursday, so I can't wait for that. Perhaps this weekend I should go somewhere to take a break too. And when I mean somewhere of course somewhere like ECP or something like that haha. Music, wind, sky, me time, good time.

Can't wait for Thursday, I'm planning a major room clean up on that day. I hope it will be successful! Haha. And I hope procrastination won't get the better of me. Meow. Okay goodnight everyone, may the rest of week 17 be as awesome!

We live in a day,
A moment of our lives
Seemingly insignificant in many ways
But we don't know
We understimate
The power of a moment

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