Friday 12 November 2010


Need to get the warmth like a cup of tea...
Photography by Yours Truly
Feeling rather cold now :/

Oh wow it's been long since I blogged eh, sorry, been busy or tired these days! So when I reached home, all I did was to either study or sleep or slack. So yeah hehe.

Many things happened these past three days, one was option talk! So we had an option talk on Wednesday, and I'm all confused of which Biomed option to choose from. I was affirmed to choose Med Tech at first, now that we have the new research option, I wanna go there as well! Oh well oh well I really don't know where to go.

Anyway here's the scope. In Med tech (MT), I'll learn like hematology, histology, clinical chemistry and more. So it's a wider spectrum of the biomedical world, which is really interesting! I'll be having attachment as well, both local and overseas (hunting hunting :P). And MT will be more school-based and more to the school side of learning.

As for research, it's a more hands-on approach. I'll be having a 28 weeks of attachment in one of the research institutes in my third year! How awesome is that! And it will be more of like practical, and we have case-based learnings as well. Umm the case-based learning is what I'm afraid of actually. But the 28 weeks attachment is really wow!

So I'm really lost which one to choose... Oh gosh, and what's worst is that we only have 15 DAYS to choose. Arrrgh why must the dateline be so short?

And now... I'm sick! Rawr. Okay I think it's all my fault. Shouldn't have eaten "whatever I want" after I recovered from my last sore throat. I'm feeling feverish now, and my throat is killing. What's horrible was that I got a fever in the middle of MSMP just now! So I have no choice but to leave halfway. Sigh...

Anyway thanks Zaki for accompanying me to the bus stop just now.

So yeah I went to MSMP with Bobby, Zaki and Niv. Kai Xuan and Candy also went, but they're with their sailing friends. Niv and Bobby left halfway and I wanted to stay, but I was feeling horrible just now, so decided to leave. And anyway I feel sad cause the nominees which I voted for didn't win. Aww :(

Alright that's all for today! Dear body, please get well ASAP, you know I'm allergic to paracetamol right? :/ Come on, we can work together yes! :)

Getting sick one of the horrible things that can happen...

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