Thursday 4 November 2010


Whew, I don't know why but I felt that I just had one of the most exhausting band practice ever :O

Even though it was like 1.5 hours of Yamato, and another 1.4 or so of sectional, I just felt tired. I think it's because in this week alone, I went back super late! I have French on Monday, Band on Tue and Thurs, and TSFO on Wednesday. How awesome? Thank God Friday is Deepavali, so meaning I can sleep as much as I want tonight! :D

Anyway there isn't much to talk today I suppose... What else...


My internet is BACK!!! Yes I'm using my internet now, no longer my guardian's! It's so much faster, so much smoother, it's just... LOVE

So now dear internet, please don't give me more problem? Please?

Right... What else...

That's all I guess haha. I seriously don't have anything to talk about today. I think it's my brain, I'm sort of sleepy now... So yeah you know, sleepy and 100% functionally brain is not a good friend. So yep. Alright see ya!


"We will all die one day, in one way or another. But I just don't understand why some people want to send other people to their final destination earlier, when these people could live in a much longer time, and that both parties would benefit from not-killing-each-other? Why?"

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