Tuesday 11 January 2011


As sky is the eternity
Photography by Yours Truly
Where our dreams shall soar freely

Whew, it's 11:55 and I'm still blogging! I still have some stuff left to do but I'm still here haha. Oh well, so just gonna post for a while only. Today was awesome, had band as usual on Tuesday and we did sectionals first, followed by combine later. It's... 12 more days to MD34! Oh wow so I'm very very excited and scared and nervous as well!

But I'm more to the excited side, cause I'm performing at the Esplenade! It's like one of my dreams, and it's one item on my list of things to do before I die heh. So of course, how can I not be excited eh.

Anyway my phone is really screwing up. I think I charged it for too long, so the battery of my Nokia phone is sort of "fat". And it's battery life is so horrible. I charged it on Sunday, and it was flat on Monday night. Anyway I think what my sis says is true. I shouldn't get a new battery since I'm getting a new phone soon :D So I'm using my motorolla one now!

And getting my motorolla again sort of makes me smile. Cause I last used it when I was in sec 3. And it wasn't much of a use. It's really a while. So most of the pictures in my phone are pictures when I was still in sec 2! So it really brings in a rush of memories into myself. It's really... Happy and sad at the same time.

Looking at those pictures made me realise how much time has moved quickly. I even have some picture when I was in sec 1! So yeah, those were the innocent days I once used to have. I once used to dread, but now, I forever cherish.

Anyway I'll be having a presentation tomorrow! So lets hope tomorrow's presentation will be a smooth one. The topic of the presentation is pretty interesting so yep, I'm sort of looking forward to tomorrow's presentation :)

Alrighty that's all for today! Shall go work on my part of the presentation now! See ya all!

I go there to enjoy and play music. And make friends

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