Monday 24 January 2011

Musical Delights XXXIV!

Right... It's 1:17 AM right now and I'm still blogging. And yes I'm very very very tired. I just reached home a while ago from school after SPSB concert - Musical Delights 34! It was just a blast. It's beyond words. But all I knew is that I have enjoyed myself there, and I have played with my heart and soul. Despite of the few mistake here and there, I think everyone did their best :)

Anyway assembled in school at 9,45 to move out our instruments and carry the percussion instruments. Reached Esplenade at about... 12.30 plus and we had lunch at Yoshinoya with my fellow clarinettists except for some who had some administrative issue going on. Went back to Esplenade to prepare our rehearsals.

Rehearsals went on from 2.30 to about 5. The band sounded really good there. And when I first stepped into the hall, I was just feeling two things - speechless and happy. Speechless to know that this hall will be filled at 7.30 PM and happy in a sense that I am actually going to finally perform in Esplenade - one of my biggest dreams in life.

Had dinner after that and we were preparing for our concert! It was rather chaotic cause I need to pass some tix to some people so yeah, but thankfully all went smooth and yup, finally the time to shine was there.

I won't go into details of the concert, if not this post will take like a long time to finish, plus I'm tired :P So yeah I'll just burst my feelings here.

This is what I love about music. Music alone, is just a subject. A subject that can evoke THOSANDS of emotions. A subject that can do THOUSANDS of different things. It's just not an ordinary thing. Many people could not think of these different things and feelings music can evoke. But if you seek deeper inside this thing called music, you'll know why.

I told myself that I'm going to enjoy this concert. And yes I did. Even though I did make a few mistake here and there. I told myself that I should carry on and go with the music. Bury the past, and go on. Reminds me of what happened in SYF 2009. But anyway, I have enjoyed myself there and gave my best shot. To me, that is enough.

For me music is just something one should enjoy doing and should share with others. You don't have to be perfectly, spotlessly fine when playing music. Sometimes, we focus so much on being a good player, we have lost the mission of enjoying music while playing it. Oh well. Music is just something that I can truly enjoy to myself, and of course, truly share with others.

Music is powerful. It brings people together into one group that showcase our passion of music through just one thing - playing music together, and putting it together into one. I may not be known by other people in the band. But just to let you know, it's an honour for me to be able to play with all of you. It's a great experience I will never forget in my life.

When I once said that I come to band to enjoy and play music. Well, I do mean it. But of course, not forgetting the awesome people around me who made band even more interesting, and enjoyable. Well I just hope the cards I make for my section is good enough to show my thanks to them for the past... 9 months plus experience.

Alright I guess that's all for today. Currently, I'm just really tired. I need to get some sleep, and I'm waking up early tomorrow morning to meet Candy and KX to continue our Microbio experiment. Okay... See ya

The memories of MDXXXIV shall remain in my heart, always.

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