Thursday 23 December 2010


Cute little thing ain't he (or she)?
Photography by Yours Truly
I'm a weird arachnophobia person

Right, today I was so happy when I woke up! Cause it was sunny, and there are patches of blue skies here and there... So yep.


Of course, it started to rain. Oh well, I really wonder when will the weather turn out fine I tell you. But anyway, I spent the whole day moving stuff into my room and cleaning my room once more. Thanks to my OCD I guess. But at least I have my keyboard in my room now! Woohoo. And I like the sound it makes, since it's quite small and "covered" so yeah.

Went to a mall with my mum to look for a bedsheet for my bed! Oh well it's so hard to find a sheet for my bed's size. Not that I'm too big or something like that, it's just that the bed I'm using is more for double decker beds, meaning it's... Children... Cartoon... You got it. Yeah but anyway I found a slightly-larger sized bed sheet and the design is good enough.

There were only TWO bed sheets though, so my mum and I might be looking for more in another shop or something like that.

Oh well it's the Christmas' eve tomorrow, and whew, it's gonna be another year since another Christmas' eve was there. Time flies huh. And soon it will be Christmas, then new year's eve, then 2011. Oh wow... Time really flies!

And talking about time, oh dear, I have one more week of holiday and I have not finished my project! And report... Arrrgh. Thankfully I finished some part before I went back, so less things to do I suppose. I'm gonna leave some part out for next year. I think it's good to include some books for research, if not, all websites will be a little... Yeah.

Anyway! Hmm I really can't wait for my bed to arrive which I'm not sure when (I think it's tomorrow though) cause I can't wait to lay around on my bed lazily heehee. The wood is not really a good surface to lay around (even though it's rather comfy to stretch) but bed is better!

Alrighty, still hoping my days here will get better and better. I just wanna end the year in a joyful way, a happy way, an awesome way. For I think, that 2010, is quite an awesome year. see ya then! :)

Because we gotta keep our heads up

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