Thursday 28 April 2011


Right I know you may find this weird, but I'm currently listening to a Buddhist chanting as I'm writing now. It's the avalokiteshvara chant. Hmm I just know it's a chant of compassion. I listened to this chant when I was young... Back when I was in P3. In my uncle's house. I remember watching a video of Tibet, and the chant playing as a song.

So now I'm reunited with it, and.. I finally rediscover the peace, again :) I just feel so peaceful as I listen to these chantings. I may not understand the true meaning in the chant (it's in Tibetan, or Sanskrit, I'm not sure). But it's just peaceful.

Anyway today was a great day. Pretty chemistry-ful day! A bit tough on the brain but I can do it, as usual need more reading. But anyway... To Ms Yulia, I hope you'll get well really really soon! Dumb me for thinking that I'll have prac today... And it's only on odd weeks. Thankfully I forgot to bring my labcoat heh. Blessing in disguise.

Lunched with KX, Candy and Vith at FC5. Talking about lots of stuff haha. And Vithya was so funny about Kai Xuan's way of eating haha. And guess what.... I SIGNED UP FOR SAILING FOC! To band members don't worry I'm not quitting or whatsoever, the dates are not clashing with anything so don't worry eh :D

Went home first to gra something before meeting Sharon and Jolene. We were meeting for dinner at prata house :D And now we have Wei Qi and Yang Peng too! Sadly Brenda couldn't make it :O Well we talked about lots of things... It was really funny in a sense it's like... Some are totally-doesn't-make -sense at all but at times they are so freaking funny! :D

Ah well I think it's been quite a long time since I had a great laugh with people. We were talking about like what we gonna be in the future and stuff. Then YP told us that he just wants to be happy right now, anytime. And I think he's right! Life's already so tough, might as well live it to fullness, and live everyday with a wide smile on your face.

Think positively, think happily, and create the best in the worst. That's why of the 7 effective habits, I feel that the 4th habit, Think WIN-WIN is my favourite :)

Haha this might be lame or what... But when I was young, people would tell me that we shouldn't laugh too much, okay or maybe like excessively. Or be EXTREMELY ra-ra and happy cause if you're in an extremely happy situation, later you'll cry. Hahaha I don't really know whether it's true. But here's my "theory" to the situation.

We won't cry. Maybe we'll feel sad. If like bad things that upset us happen, that might just be a co-incidence. But my theory is this. When we're having fun, we're being happy for some moment, then we have to sort of "leave" that moment away, forever. You can't relive the exact moment again, can you? Cause time will always flow.

So the fact that you gonna leave the happy moment, and get back to reality, that's one part of this "sadness" you'll feel. You might not PHYSICALLY feel it, or even emotionally. But there's one part of you that will just feel... Empty. Feel like oh man that was fun! Yes you'll feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction. But also, a tinge of sadness or... Withdrawal. Hmm?

Or well maybe it's just the fact that the you'll-cry-after-happy-moments are planted in my head. But well, that's my theory of that theory I used to cling on. I'm trying to get rid of that. But well that's my theory hoho.

Alright off to study again! Bathing first though. I wanna wake up early tomorrow to study in school, while waiting to meet Brenda :D :D So yup! See ya then.

The past was a story, the future a mystery. Live your present to the fullest, and be positive always. Thus you shall be freed from misery :)

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