Thursday 22 December 2016

(Belated?) Winter Solstice

 Happy Winter Solstice!

First of all just wanna wish you a happy Winter Solstice guys! As usual without the snow and the cold temperature. Well it's rather chilly tonight though so lets just pretend I'm somewhere in the middle of a wintry country haha. Anyway I'm not sure if today is the actual winter solstice cause I saw everyone posting about it yesterday. But here we celebrate it on 22nd of December so yes.

Today is always a day where I would feel old because of the tang yuan I have to eat. I'm 25 this year according to my lunar age so I have to eat 25 of them! Also as usual I made my own version of tang yuan and this year it's... Green Tea Kitkat Tang Yuan! Just break some green tea kitkat into small cubes and stuff them inside the tang yuan. It's great, I feel a sweet matcha paste will be better though.

Whenever I eat the tang yuan, I always feel thankful for the past 25 years that I'm here on earth, and I send my wish and hope for the next year. It's crazy to think that it feels like yesterday when the bowl is filled with only ten tang yuan. Here I am now with 25! Well well, time flies.

Today is also Mother's Day here in Indonesia so wishing all of the beautiful mothers in Indonesia and round the world a happy Mother's day! :P Everyday should be mother's day nevertheless.

Well since today is mother's day, I reflected about it a lot especially because of what happened yesterday. Well I witnessed my own sister going into labour, although I didn't witness her childbirth. But seeing her in so much pain and discomfort due to the contractions, man, we should all seriously stop being assholes to our mothers! Haha. Our mothers went through so much just to give birth to us, and then take care of us as we grow up. So don't make their lives more difficult please.

I've been to three Buddhist weddings here and during the ceremony, the master of ceremony would say this sentence: We can never repay the good deeds of our parents for taking care of us as we grow up. Not even in this lifetime, maybe not even the next. Which is very true. I really have no idea how to repay my parents for the things that they have done for me. I have no idea how much is "enough" to repay them. Maybe really not even in their lifetime, or even mine.

But like what my dad said, the best way to repay your parents is to treat them like how you want your children to treat you. I'm pretty sure you don't want your children to hurt you do you.

Alright just a simple reflection on this Winter Solstice and Mother's day. I hope you had a great Winter Solstice wherever you are too! :) And oh, some Tang Yuans as well.

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