Thursday 8 December 2016


Doing another daily prompt today - it's just one word: treasure.

I can't really make a connection with this word. Have I ever found a treasure? Not really. The only "treasures" I found are usually in the form of music. When I discovered a wonderful band and their songs are the kind of song that I love, I'll call it a treasure. Or maybe a restaurant that serves really good food. It's also treasure. I would say treasure is something you found unexpectedly and it is like a sudden blessing you get out of nowhere. Just like when I was young, I would play video games and I'll be so happy to find treasure chests haha. Usually there's great items inside.

How about in life? What are some of my greatest treasures? Like Lau Tzu said, health is the greatest treasure. I think our health is a treasure because as much as we can do our best to prevent diseases, we don't really know for sure about how our health will be tomorrow. So you can say it's a treasure because everything can happen unexpectedly. Be it for good or worst.

How about the things that I treasure? I definitely treasure my health, my family and my existence in life haha. My friends, who shared with me so many beautiful memories. And definitely my experiences, that shaped me who I am today. Memories, experiences and all these are things we can never barter and sell away. They are in one way some kind of treasure too, right?

I'm a very sentimental person. So I treasure a lot of things that happened in the past. Especially the good old memories that I've been keeping. Although I've been learning to live in the moment. To be in the present. Because you can't always keep clinging on to the good old days all the time.

I came up with this last week:

As beautiful as the past may be, and as promising as the future will be, there's no place more beautiful than the one that we are and we will have to go through - the present.

Life is a treasure. Treasure it with love and care. 

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