Tuesday 13 December 2016

Up Above

 Mt Kinabalu

Today marks the 5th year since the LEAP team summited Mt Kinabalu! I thought it was yesterday but when I looked at my photo's metadata, it is the 13th so yeah. It is definitely a day I will never forget. It changed my life in a few ways. I've never climbed a mountain before and back then, I didn't know whether I will or not. Took up the challenge and voila. I kinda miss being in the mountains though.

Some days change you life forever. Sometimes it's not the things that happened to you, but even a tiny sight, or a glimpse of something can change your life forever. The view on top of Mt Kinabalu is definitely one of those. It was the highest point on earth I've ever climbed on and it's so amazing. Being on top of the clouds, seeing tiny lights down below, the cold air, and the silence.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, one of the view from our sleeping hut sparked my project wanderlust. I can still remember hanging below the hut with the others who are drying their wet gears and clothes (cause we were trekking in the pouring rain the previous day). It was 9 in the morning, the view was amazing, sky was clear and it's so beautiful. I can still clearly remember staring at the view of the creases of the hills in the distance, bathed in the glorious sunlight. That's when I told myself:

"I want to see the world, I'm missing a lot"

And that's when PW was created haha.

A simple view that's worth a moment of serendipity that I hope will change my life forever.

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