Friday 16 December 2016


 Throwback to Neon Lights.
Shot on my Fujica with Agfa Vista 400

I just got back the photos that I sent for developing! I feel so guilty, some of the photos were taken way back in October heh. But anyway I found an awesome film developer in Bandung (thanks Hipercat Lab!) and it's pretty convenient. All I have to do is to send the films via courier and they (or is it a he only?) will develop it for you. Once it's done, he'll send you a text of the total price, transfer, and voila.

Looking at the photos I got back, damn it, I wish I found him earlier this year to develop the films from Tibet! The photos turned out awesome. Except for my lousy skills that turn some photos not how I want them to turn out hah. I feel like I was doing some crazy mission really, using film for a music festival. Well I didn't expect much from the shot. It was dark, I was really doing agaration for the settings and so on. Some shots turn out beautiful. Some... Meh. But it's okay, as always:

We develop from the negatives.

On the other hand, I'm glad that I discovered Hipercat Lab cause now... I can shoot with film more often mwahaha. I still have an Agfa 400 untouched and I'm gonna shoot with it now I guess. 

Anyway, this trip to Singapore is my first time that I'm traveling without a digital camera (other than my phone). I travel only with my film! To be honest it feels quite liberating to only travel with your film camera. You will really live in the moment. You don't have to scroll through your photos wondering if they are nice or not. And that feeling of excitement (and nerves) while waiting for your photos to be developed is quite nice too heh. Some say film photography is truly the "essence" of photography. Because you can't do anything else with that photo once it's taken (apart from post-processing).

And also film photography will make you think carefully of your shots. Since we're only given 36 exposures per roll. They say it's a good habit. That doesn't mean we shouldn't think carefully when shooting with our digital cameras heh. I remember on the 2nd day of Neon Lights I was only left with 20 shots. So I had to think well about this remaining 20 shots haha. It's quite exciting to do this.

But well, I don't shoot with film often. Or in fact... I rarely shoot nowadays. Unlike in Singapore where I usually carry my film camera to school or when I'm going out and stuff. But what I love about using film is really that special feeling about the shots you take. Not sure how to describe it... Shooting with film feels very raw and organic. And also each film gives a special characteristic to the photos you take.

We live in such a digital world. It always feels good to go back to the way things used to be. Film is definitely not dead. And I hope this is how things will be in the future.  


Unknown said...

Oh yes Adhi! Every time while waiting for the result it's like waiting for birthday present!
Too bad not many people appreciate film :/

Adhi S said...

Hey Saeyeon sorry for late reply! Yeah haha it's really like waiting for a gift. I think people find it a hassle, but then again the hassle is worth it! :P