Friday 23 December 2016


Okay so whatever happened to that 16 things I learned in 2016? Hahaha. In the blink of an eye I just realised we're only left with one more week to the end of 2016. I was planning to do it for the last 16 days of the year, or at least last 12 days. But here we are! D-8 to 2017! Hurrah.

So alright I'm going to spend the next 7 days doing a ton of reflection. 2016 has been cray cray and I'm glad I made it alive till today hah. So lots of reflections to be done, lots of things to talk about. In fact I feel like there are so many things I don't even know where to start. Well here goes....!

24/12 - Mindfulness
25/12 - Journaling
26/12 - Happiness
27/12 - Celebrating every moment
28/12 - Veggie lyfe
29/12 - Music of 2016
30/12 - Reflection 1
31/12 - Reflection finale 

Okay so far lets stick to this. I've written more list inside my journal, so looking forward to this!

As always, I'm always very very surprised at the things I've written inside my blog/journal. Like holy crap I actually wrote that haha. It's always an enjoyable process to re-read them. I kinda feel disappointed though because looking back, I've been wanting to do a monthly thing for my blog. I realised I stopped doing that by March... Aha... Fail. Next year I gotta do something!

Alright, one more week to the end of 2016, let's go!

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