Saturday 29 December 2012

Back to November

Today was quite a tiring day for me (or all of us I guess) cause tomorrow is my brother's big day! Was just following my dad to check out the location of tomorrow's venue, then spent the evening having dinner with my sis-in-law family. Then when I reached home, I was just lying down in bed when I didn't realise I was falling asleep till 12 -_-

And I lazed around till 1 and then I bathed. Oh well here I am! Can't believe it's the last three days of 2012. Time really flies! And I'm coming back in 3 more days :( Boo, I wish holiday could be longer but oh well! Anyway, just a short update, lets go back to November! It's going to be our last three days of reminiscing and looking back. 2012 surely was a journey!

[] November []

November was the month I've been waiting for all this year. Even before ITP started because I know it's gonna end in November hahaha. But yeah for the whole of ITP all I wish was for November to come quickly haha. Especially when it was the mid-part of it. And also November was the month of many events I've been waiting for! 

November days

November, just like October, happened in a blink too. On the 2nd weekend I went back to Indo for me brother's "sangjit" for a short weekend. I guess it was a much needed getaway to prepare for my last lap of FYP. Then there's those days also, those last practices before MD where I would spend it sitting on the bench outside FC5. Where I met that aunty having her food hah.

 Dr Simon Tan and Ciara
Thanks for making FYP and ITP so much more bearable

There was Deepavali where we went to Vithya's house though I was only there for a while. November, though it was the month I've been waiting for, it was also the month which I feel the most stressed. FYP report was really hellish, especially the last week where everything felt so rushed and scary. Broke down on the last night of FYP while doing my report. But couldn't do it either, without the help of my Dr Simon Tan, Ciara and my friends. So thank you all :')

It was such a great moment to have submitted my report on the last day of November haha. Felt like whatever I went through for the past 7 months had disappeared into thin air. All that's left was just memories, bittersweet ones, and relief. Though I still had to worry about my presentation. Well FYP, the whole experience was just really rough and scary, but at the same time, it definitely made me to be a stronger person. Yup, definitely.
Thank you SPSB for the memories
And thank you to everyone who came and supported us

Then there was MD XXXVI on the 16th. My last concert with SPSB, and also most probably, the last band concert I performed. Cause not sure if in the future I will have the chance to perform again. The three years in SPSB went by pretty quickly. But I truly enjoyed my time there, especially with my clariboe section. I've learnt a lot, gained a lot, and band was the thing that made my polytechnic life so wonderful and colourful. Things would be so different if I were not to join band. And I definitely made the right choice of continuing with band :)

Takk Sigur Ros!

And last but not least, another event worth mentioning in November and 2012 was Sigur Ros concert on the 23rd! I was so happy to know that they were coming to Singapore. Got the tickets back in June and well I was so happy that I could get the chance to catch them live, at least once before I die. And I did! So thank you Sigur Ros for the wonderful night. It was truly a beautiful, memorable and life-gratifying one. Hope to see you again!

Well, that's all for November, the month I've been waiting for this year. Now that it's over, and soon this year will be over too. One more month left to look back. I have been having fun so far reminiscing. Bittersweet memories, oh memories.

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