Wednesday 24 December 2008

Merry Christmas :)

Well so tonight, is the Christmas's eve of 2008 huh, time sure flies fast (I'm sorry, I know I have been saying this for God knows how many times) but Christmas always reminds me of how fast time flies. Today I revised a little history, about how WWII started and damn, Hitler is so !@@#$#$^%$^& I tell you haha. Then I decided to watch TV and I watched Good Luck Chuck on HBO and omg it's so damn hilarious! Haha and whoever in real life is "Chuck", good luck to you haha. Hmm so it's 8 more days till I'm going back to Singapore, somehow I kinda miss everyone, including the teachers! Don't ask me why... Anyway that's all for today I guess, these days I really have nothing to talk about ya know.. Ok see ya, ciao!

If there's a time machine, where will you go back/forth to?

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