Friday 1 October 2010


Time flows really quickly
Photography by Yours Truly
So does life...

Oh gosh, today I finally went to a dentist, after 5 years or so... The last time I went to a dentist was at P6 I think, yup. So it's about 5 years. And well turned out I discovered that I have a slight defect, my teeth and jaw that is.

So well if you realised, my teeth can't "close" properly, especially the front teeth. It can't come close together. At first I thought this was nothing, perhaps it's just my teeth, turned out that due to this, my front teeth can't chew things properly, thus pushing the job to the back teeth, or the molars. And due to this, my left back teeth is aching now.

Cause its job of chewing is too heavy, poor teeth :/

And turned out my jaw is also slightly more to the right. It's not balanced, so it's not really "straight". And this is also another reason why my teeth can't close properly. Well the good thing is that this condition is not serious, like it won't impair my teeth or something like that. I can choose to do a correction for it, but I think hmm it's alright I guess.

Believe it or not, today I had a facial!!! Yup, the facial for the face thing, to clean your face. Well my definition of facial, last time, was this process of poking your face with needle to get the dirt out. Well at least that's what happened to my cousin last time heh. But well it's not! Quite comfortable as well cause they did some face massage heh.

Umm what else... I think that's all for today. Oh guess what, my sis maybe coming back, AGAIN, maybe 4 days before I'm returning. Great I guess, can go out more often with her hahaha. Alright that's all, see ya!

September come and go, as October says hello

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